What a stormy night it was? The rain poured down heavily and the wind so strong that it had uprooted the trees that obstructed its path. Nature was in full fury that day,as if outraged on me. I was driving back from the theatre on the highway when I heard a loud thunderstorm.The thunderstorm had pulled me out of my slumber. Suddenly,there was a silence. A blink's time and a scream tore apart the silence.A scream that would make chill run down the spine of any being! I was no different, I too got scared. So much so that I stopped the car and walked towards the direction, I thought was the origin of the sound (I don’t know what I was thinking at that time. But at time like this when I should be running away from the source, a deep sense of adventure made me go towards it).
Deep within, the mind struggled hard against the heart but the heart was on rage. I continued my walk further. Nearby the location I presumed the source to be(a buffoon as they say does let his heart take over the mind in eventuality), the sight I saw would let down the spirits of a normal being but I wasn’t normal that day. I saw a witch hovering in the sky over her broomstick. Her periodic screams were quite pestering. As I saw the witch hovering, I decided to conceal myself among the nearby bushes and keep a track of the events thereafter.
I believe my luck wasn’t quite in my favour. As soon as I jumped among the bushes, my head struck to something hard. It wasn’t a bark, neither a stone nor anything natural that would be normally seen in forest but it was a holographic projector and a audio player. I thought over the existence of such devices among the bushes on such a night. What was more shocking was that they were in working condition! I turned off the audio player and to my surprise, the witch went mute the same instant. I moved the projector and the witch too moved along. That gave me a clue of what was happening. It took me a second to guess that it was some deception laid down to haunt the people away. “But why? What was the need of it?” such questions puzzled me out.
Then I switched off the camera thereby switching off the image which was too ugly to be seen. As soon as I turned off the image, I was distracted by a sudden rattling of leaves. I saw a figure heading towards me. The speed at which he was approaching made me realize that I should better act in haste. Luckily I found a tree nearby (what else would I find in the nature’s heart) so I hid behind the tree maintaining the stealth and simultaneously maintaining watch over the series of events.
When he reached the spot where I had spotted the projector, I noticed something held firmly in his hand. It shone under the moon light. Oh my God! It was a sharp-edged knife. He began searching for me but I was bit more clever than him. Unable to find me, he returned back with the projector and the audio player after his search was in vain (Maybe he thought it was some electrical fault due to the rain!).
I decided to follow him so see what he was up to! I followed him to a place which was concealed carefully. The door to the place was automated and had to be opened by a special switch. I knew there was something fishy was going on so I decided to inform the cops. I remembered I had forgotten my mobile in the car. I rushed back to my car but to my sheer misfortune, I saw that my mobile was out of range.
So I was left with no option but to drive all the way to nearest police station and notify them. As soon as I started the car, a tree fell on the front of the car which damaged the engine completely. “Why is this all happening at this moment?” I was really confused and I regretted my misfortune. All the things were happening against my wish. With car in out-of-order condition and the mobile still out of network, all I could do was to go by foot.
Luckily I had a torch along me to help me through the journey on such a creepy night. I picked up the torch and made a run for the police station. The rain poured heavily down the sky, making it hard for me to run through the wet mud. The more I walked, the faster the rain appear to fall. The mud became really slippery that I had to walk instead of running. I fell twice or thrice but still I managed to walk. Just as I had walked half a mile, I was struck on the head with something hard. I went unconscious and what happened for the next few minutes has been a mystery since.
But the moment I opened my eyes, I saw myself in so bright a room that I found it hard to keep my eyes remain open. I preferred to keep my eyes closed to avoid the pestering light. But as I felt someone touching me, I was curious to know who it was but the light still pestered me. I felt two thick fingers near my arm which were trying to feel my pulse or something like that. I thought may be I was in some hospital after being rescued by someone. But the real shock came to me when I was gripped by one of the hands, I realized that the whole hand had only three fingers! I opened my eyes despite the bright light and I saw some horrible figures around me. I became certain that I had been abducted by some alien life-form for their experiments. The place that I was so curious about was nothing but some UFO. After I began to struggle to get myself free from their clutches, I realized that I had been clung to the table. Then one of them approached me and injected some fluid into my veins. After that I went unconscious.
Next day, I woke up in the local hospital. I enquired what happened and how I reached there. They explained to me that I had been lying unconscious in the forest for whole night. Some passer-by noticed me and he called for medical attention seeing my state. Then I was operated upon by them to cure some minor injuries. As soon as I got dispatched from the hospital, I went to the Police Station and narrated the whole story to them. Nobody believed my story (Who would believe it? Things as these are not believed unless they themselves experience it). I convinced two of the officer to go along me to the place I mentioned.
I showed them the place where the UFO had landed but as expected, it was gone. But what was more embarrassing was that there was no sign of its arrival or departure. Suddenly I realized that I could show my car as some proof of my story but to my surprise, it was a good repair( almost as good as new). My story had become the morning laugh for the young officer. They thought me to be some maniac who was either drunk or was lying. I had belief enough that what I saw was true but how could I prove it. “Was it real or just some dream?” This question has confused me since that day.
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